Monday, May 18, 2009

How effective is the acai berry supplement?

There are so many products available in the market today that have anti-oxidant abilities. Product such as vitamin infused water, fruit shakes and energy boosters are some of the products that contain antioxidant agents to promote good health.

But what are antioxidants? We breathe in oxygen in order to live but the oxygen that we take in from our environment is not completely pure, therefore we inhale many impurities along with the oxygen that weakens our blood cells and affect our immune system.

But this is unavoidable as breathing is a necessary and natural process. But we can reduce the oxidative damage to our cells by consuming food that contains high antioxidants. Many dieticians and health experts suggest pomegranates and blue berries as they are rich in antioxidants and reduce the risk of cancer and heart diseases.

But of lately, many nutrition experts and health conscious people including many celebrities have started introducing Acai Berry fruit in their diet. Acai Berry is a wonder fruit grown only in the swamps of the Amazon. More over the USDA as also affirmed that this fruit has the highest antioxidant abilities. This fruit has the quality to strengthen resistance power and help in reducing heart diseases.

And the best quality of Acai Berry is that it contains natural appetite suppressant hence it promotes fast and natural weight loss. It also helps in reducing extra fats and sugar levels in the body. It also contains amino acids which help in muscle development which burns out excess fat and avoids unnecessary storage of unhealthy fats.

Unfortunately, this wonder fruit with so many qualities and benefits is very fragile so it cannot be exported to all the countries. But people can definitely take advantage of Acai Berry by consuming Acai berry products which are available in most of the countries.

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